Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The best Kwanzaa ever

Oh wait, did I say Kwanzaa, I meant the real one, uh, oh yeah Christmas. Mp3s, DVD, and good ol' video games is what it was all about. First of all, I got an iPod mini. It rocks, out loud, well maybe not out loud unless you turn the volume up really high but you know what I mean. It just looks so cool, and the click wheel deely works really well. If you need a Mp3 player and you don't have over 1000 songs buy one. Now. DVD-wise, the basics like Lord of the Rings, Spider-Man 2 and all that jazz. I love my [adult swim] DVDs. Sealab season 1 and Aqua teen season 2 are great. And on Febuary 1st The Brak Show season 1 comes out, w00t. As for games I just got 2, but they are great. KOTOR 2 and Viewtiful Joe 2 for Gamecube. If you liked KOTOR 1 you will like KOTOR 2. And words cannot describe Viewtiful Joe 2. www Wait, yes they can. It is so cool. The action is super fast and frantic. But when it gets too hectic, put it in slow-mo and and put on zoom and start kicking cinematic rear end. But it is far from easy, as my 7, wait 8 bleeding ulcers will prove. Over all it was a X-tastic X-mas. Oh yeah, and to spread the X-mas spirit (late but what are you going to do) RvB made their own Christmas special. And if you didn't hate Church before now, you will after watching this video.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

The joy of colors

In my daily romp around the world-wide interweb I came across this iPod mini commercial. It is not official but it is really cool. Considering my age, I was not around during the 60's, a time when colors had flavors and the walls were melting at all times but if I was, I would imagine life would be like this commercial. It is pretty trippy and is worth 60 seconds of your life. And if this leaves you starving for some more interweb goodness, why not boil a few a good taters?

Sunday, December 12, 2004

**Awkward Silence**

There is nothing to post about. Nothing, at all.
Oh yeah, a sort of new RvB is out.
By the way if any of my wonderful readers know a link or something I don't, post it in a comment.
And uh, yeah, that's about it.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Distractions Galore

While reading I came upon a post that said a windows version of Konfabulator was released. For those of you who are Mac users you probably know what it is, but for those who don't or for PC users, it is a program that allows you have "widgets" which are little animation thingys on you desktop. For instance I have 4 on right now, one that tells me how many seconds I have been alive, one telling me about my CPU's performance, one telling me the weather, and one of the character Gir from Invader Zim dancing. So as you can see they go from useful to just fun. Now these widgets are constantly pulling power from your CPU but I am surprised by how little it does. Even on my crap ass 1 Ghz, 128 Mb of Ram computer, my computer runs just as slow as it normally does with out them. I recommend just trying it out, odds are you will like it. New widgets are created all the time and if you have the time and the skill, you can even make your own. You can download the program HERE.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Katamari Noguchi

This weeks Bungie Weekly What's Update can be found HERE. It addresses some problems many xbox Live users have been getting, not to mention kick ass tribute to Katamari Damacy.

On a separate note, I have been doing much reading of the Halo 2 forums and there is a considerable problem on all of them. The noob who feels the need to make topic based off of the intelligent comment of, "tEh PIztol wUZ T eh PWns , bUngE iS MAdsz gAy". To anyone who has done this, make the world a better place and kill yourself, or go back to Halo 1. Hey, and if you are in the mood, why not both?

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Today's specials are eggs and strawberries.

P.S. Whatever all of Japan is smoking, it has to be some pretty hardcore stuff.