Monday, July 25, 2005


I missed this last night, so I am posting it now. A long time ago I posted about a program called Konfabulator. I loved this program. It was fun, easy to use, and surprisingly cpu efficient. Even on extremely slow computers it works fine. Yahoo! just aquired Konfabulator and is re-releasing it as Yahoo! Widgets. The cool thing about this is is that it is free now. It won't nag you to pay for the full version after 30 days. So now there is nothing to stop you from using this great program. Go download it.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

In a command prompt far, far away

Through one of my romps through intraweb I found a pretty cool version of Star Wars. It is entirely in ASCII and goes pretty far into the first (Ep. IV) movie. In order to watch it assuming you are on Winblows, just click "Start", then "Run" and copy or type


into the prompt and click "Ok". Enjoy.

Also as any cool kid as myself should now, pressing "R" while holding the Windows key also opens a Run prompt.

On a seperate note, if anyone reads this blog and knows a bit about routers and more importantly how they affect Xbox Live please contact me at because just recently my router has begun acting up again. This really bites because the new Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory co-op maps should be coming out in the next couple of weeks, and more specifically the problem I am having prohibits me and Patrick from playing together. And those maps look pretty hardcore so I better be able to play them, or else...

Saturday, July 16, 2005

How do you think Patrick keeps his lovely grin?

cozmicfool516: hold on
cozmicfool516: i feel swweet corn tryin to make it thru my rear
cozmicfool516: brb

Friday, July 01, 2005

You askin or you tellin?

Cause no body tells Boxy Brown...

Bustin this joint

Once again, I will not be posting for some time. I am going on "vacation" for 2 weeks starting tomorrow. I will have a very limited amount of time on the computer through out these weeks. So odds are I won't post, and if I do imagine them not only to be craptacular, or crap frenzy, or even craptrocity, but crapamanjaro.

So until next time, well, we all knew it was going to happen sooner or later.