Monday, January 10, 2005

Forget everything you thought you knew about this blog

Wow, it has been like a kerjilion days since I posted. Ok, well I'm back, for now. Lets see what's new. Oh yeah, episode 46 of RvB came out, and it is a pretty good episode. And over the past couple of weeks all the cutscenes from Halo 2 have been posted on HBO and now they are all there. You should check them out. Patrick, the other resident blogger, found a game full of pretty fun games, our favorite being Chuck. After playing Chuck, you should start your path to enlightenment and find out what the Helix is. Ok, lets see is there anything else cool and/or important going on. Oh yeah, on a serious note everyone should donate as much as they can to help the families affected by the recent tsunami. More info can be found here. Also, iTunes users can donate stright from their account in the Music Store. On a very, very different note, if you love black men and snow you will love, this thing. Man, look at that update, it has more links than Jimmy Deans' house of sausage. Ok, well I'm spent, done, je m'appelle completed, donde esta finished. Hopefully that lazy punk Pat will post, because I think my left kidney just gave out.


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