Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Proving Pat right since 2005

Hey, would you look at that, I am making a post about how great Unreal Championship 2 is. Well, what can I say. The core gameplay hasn't changed since the demo, and the demo was rock solid. The additional weapons are great, considering my two favorite weapons weren't in the demo, the shotgun-esque flak cannon, and the ever popular shock rifle. I seem to be flying through the single player which isn't that bad (especially because I changed it to novice for one level, then forgot it was on and beat one more level with it). The story is engrossing and since the game moves at a lightning fast pace (and from the looks of it will be over at one too) the story keeps moving enough to keep you interested. And I haven't given up hope on Apophis just yet...

Anyway, that's not what Unreal is about. I tried playing online for a little bit. It is pretty good except for one match that was lag-tastic. But the host didn't know his upload speed so he was probably just hosting, not being aware that his connection fornicated with several donkeys. One thing I knew before the game came out was the games ommision of Live 3.0 features (voice messages, clans, etc) While it still works, I just liked having all those features even if I didn't use them. Hopefully lag will decrease and I didn't play on any dedicated servers yet. And maybe if Jared (Darkness) wanted to use his super Jesus black magic internet and host some games...

Oh yeah, I also played Halo 2 after the update was released. I noticed that melee was stronger and dual wielding was weaker. Not so much about nades. However the game still felt lame. You have to whore, camp, rinse, lather, repeat in order to get anywhere. Not to mention having teammates with the mental capacity of a sasquach fetus with down syndrome sure as hell doesn't help the situation. As for a link, you can find some videos of the yet to be released downloadable maps here.

Friday, April 15, 2005

What was old is new again

Splinter Cell rules. Unreal will rule. I thought nothing would bring me back to Halo 2 but boy was I wrong. In their Weekly What's Update Bungie tells of how they are pulling an "out with new, in with the old". They are changing Halo 2, and for the better, by making it more like Halo 1.

Some changes include decreasing the grenades fuses and making grenades stronger (which also affects the brute shot). Melee will be much more powerful, and moves such as a jumping melee will almost always be lethal. Certain dual wielded weapons are weakened, such as the SMG, plasma rifle, and magnum.

In short, they seem to be listening to the huddled masses of Halo 1 fanboys. I can't wait for the changes, and luckfully I won't have to wait long. Why you ask, because the auto-update will be released through out the course of this upcoming Monday(The same day UC2 comes out, decisions decisions). Excited? Yeah, I am too.

P.S.- How many gay men does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Five, one to screw it in, and four others to say, "Fabulous!"

Thursday, April 14, 2005


"these guys are messing with you Sisko

what you do is tie a noose in a six-foot length of rope, tie it to a wooden slat on a ceiling, climb up onto a chair, place the noose around your neck and jump off of the chair, essentially strangulating yourself, unless the drop breaks your neck

simple enough"

The post can be seen here.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Two for the show...

Can't talk much again. Just posting a LINK to an awesome Unreal Championship 2 movie. You might call it a spoiler but it is just part of an early cut-scene, don't worry. Also, the guy who is speaking throughout the whole thing is foreign. I don't know what he is saying, but I don't really care.

P.S.- Can your cleaner do this?

Saturday, April 09, 2005

One for the money...

I am just posting this link now so I won't forget. I know it is sort of old, but tough. I'll comment on it later. All I will say is ElonGAYtion looks like it could be good, that is if it wasn't having sex with 5 men at once.

P.S.- Pat, quit being such jerk face and post already!

Friday, April 01, 2005

SC:CT = Teh roxors

I can't begin to describe the hotness that is Splinter Cell. I haven't finished the single player yet but I will say as of now (UC2 is coming) this is my most favoritist game ever. The story is cool, the graphics are great, and everything else about it plain old rocks. I don't want to get too in depth for fear of giving away a spoiler of something.

Co-op is great. Patrick and I have played it a couple of time and at first were met with some "problems" such as being dropped from our session every couple of minutes. But when we did get into it, it was great. Except for how I set off 4 alarms... Aside from that the co-op moves are great. I love seeing a guy walking towards me only the get bitch-owned by Patrick from the rear. And having 2 highly trained spies exchanging orders such as, "Pat, drop that black man like he's hot" is just, as I said before, teh roxors.

But, I do have a problem with this game. It is more my fault than it's but I cannot play the Spies Vs Mercenaries part of the game. I just can't. Since I haven't played Pandora Tomorrow's version of this I am way behind compared to veterans of that part of the game. Also, I just don't like it. Being a spy sucks. There are cameras and motion detectors everywhere. I can't take two steps with out setting off some alarm. Being a mercenary is not as bad though. I enjoy having a shotty and waiting for the spies to come to me. But the levels are so big and intricate and you only have one other team mate to help you. I know many other people love this game, but I just don't.

Aside from me sucking at the SvM mode, this game is great and is an early contender for game of the year. And let me say, an inverted neck snap is the most satisfying thing you can do in any game. As shown in this picture...