Friday, April 01, 2005

SC:CT = Teh roxors

I can't begin to describe the hotness that is Splinter Cell. I haven't finished the single player yet but I will say as of now (UC2 is coming) this is my most favoritist game ever. The story is cool, the graphics are great, and everything else about it plain old rocks. I don't want to get too in depth for fear of giving away a spoiler of something.

Co-op is great. Patrick and I have played it a couple of time and at first were met with some "problems" such as being dropped from our session every couple of minutes. But when we did get into it, it was great. Except for how I set off 4 alarms... Aside from that the co-op moves are great. I love seeing a guy walking towards me only the get bitch-owned by Patrick from the rear. And having 2 highly trained spies exchanging orders such as, "Pat, drop that black man like he's hot" is just, as I said before, teh roxors.

But, I do have a problem with this game. It is more my fault than it's but I cannot play the Spies Vs Mercenaries part of the game. I just can't. Since I haven't played Pandora Tomorrow's version of this I am way behind compared to veterans of that part of the game. Also, I just don't like it. Being a spy sucks. There are cameras and motion detectors everywhere. I can't take two steps with out setting off some alarm. Being a mercenary is not as bad though. I enjoy having a shotty and waiting for the spies to come to me. But the levels are so big and intricate and you only have one other team mate to help you. I know many other people love this game, but I just don't.

Aside from me sucking at the SvM mode, this game is great and is an early contender for game of the year. And let me say, an inverted neck snap is the most satisfying thing you can do in any game. As shown in this picture...

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