Monday, March 28, 2005

Invite'em if ya got 'em

For those of you as interested in UC2 as I am you can find a couple of movies showcasing some real gameplay HERE. I don't know where it came from but it certainly looks great.

Also I was very disappointed to find out that no stores near me are selling Splinter Cell 3 today. If you spend 2 seconds on any SC:CT forum you can see that it has been released in certain areas already. I am nervous about this game because aside from not owning any of the other Splinter Cell games, I feel as if I am going to be a major n00b when it comes to the Spies Vs Mercenaries mode. I have watched Patrick play it and it seemed so nerve wracking. It is dark, and quiet, and you pretty much have to memorize every aspect of the map you play on in order to get anywhere in it. But I hope it won't be that bad, because I certainly wouldn't want be "analized" every time I attempt to play.

And know I have offered this before, and I know it is hardly "exclusive" anymore and almost everyone has one, but if anyone is interested in a g-mail invite leave a comment on this post with your email or drop me a line at

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