Monday, March 21, 2005

The new hotness...s

Ok, to start off with, Halo 2 is fine and all, but it got old, quick. And even though download content is on the horizon, I doubt it will make matters that much better. But fear not, because in the next month two of the greatest looking games of all time come out. And luckfully there are demos of both of them in the March edition of Official Xbox Magazine.

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. This game looks amazing. The graphics are insanely awesome, and really shouldn't be able to be generated on the Xbox. It looks like a fully loaded Alienware PC would struggle with it. And it has gameplay to back up all the good looks. With the new co-op mode and the returning Spies vs. Mercenaries mode, this game looks like it will keep anyone busy online or off. Not to mention hanging from a pole above an enemy and snapping their neck while belting out an "Oh snap!" is so satisfying... and sad.

While SC:CT boarders on real life level of realism, Unreal Championship 2 is an overly violent and fantasy based shooter. Now I really shouldn't have to explain much more because if you are reading my blog odds are you found the link on a forum. And if you have the spare time to read a gaming forum you should definitely know what the Unreal francaise is about. However UC2 is unlike any other Unreal game, so I guess I did have to explain it. Imagine Halo, on crack, and no vehicles. I know that sounds like a bum that lives in the downtown district of **Enter name of where you live here**. However it has the option of a 3rd person mode and the ability to use melee combat. And I'm not talking shotgun butt to the face melee, I mean Cryostaffs and Energy swords choppin' the competition into little delicious bite size pieces.

With SC:CT being released March 31st (can vary on where you live), UC2 on April 18(if it isn't delayed anymore), and Halo 2 download content...eventually, anyone with an Xbox and a Live subscription should be kept more than busy for the next couple of months.

P.S.- I just saw that sour Skittle's commercial with the sour man. I love that man, I love him good.

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