Tuesday, May 31, 2005

My little green friend

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Post script, if anyone finds an animation of the last picture please tell me where I can find it.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Ownage x 2

Yesterday Patrick and I finished the co-op portion of Splinter Cell. I must say I am very impressed with it. While we were forced to save almost every minute do to the fact that the game gets dropped very often I still enjoyed it. However I am almost positive it is due to Patrick old Thompson xbox. But even with the occasional dropped sessions the game is extremely entertaining. You find yourself really having to work together to get anywhere. Or you can read an online walkthrough... Not to mention having a guard walking straight at you only to be capped by your teammate is so great. And two words, Tomo Nage. Throwing your teammate over your knee is just freakin awesome. However, I only seemed to be able to do it when you needed to, not just to knock out guards, which was disappointing.

But the co-op does have a problem, and a fatal one at that. My only complaint is Panama. That level is so friggen annoying. I hate it and every pixel of it's being with the blazing hatred of a thousand suns. Hey, howabout we make a level with 400 identical rooms, 200 of which are pointless? Sounds great...asshole. Honestly, it is boring, not fun, and a poor way to introduce the player to the game (not including the tutorial).

Rumors have stated that new co-op levels will be released via DLC, and I can only hope it isn't much longer till they are released. As to how they will fit in with the story, considering the current levels play parallel to Sam Fisher's escapades, I do not know. But frankly I do not care, just let me tomo nage and pull of inverted neck breaks and I will be happy.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

**Head Explodes**

If you go on any forum lately it is an all out war between 360 and Ps3 fans. Honestly, it is insane and sad. Now I love Xbox, but I really thought the PS3 would be "better" hardware wise.

However after "reading" this article, I am not so sure. For one, it is some seriously hardcore stuff. I mean I know the basic, CPU's, GPU's, RAM etc. But this gets really in depth. However, for those of us who have no friggen idea what the hell 48-way scalar floating-point shader pipelines are, there are bar graphs. Ah, the bar graph, easily displaying information with all the fun of a vertical or horizontal line. Ya gotta love it. But pretty much what it is saying is the the 360 is better than the PS3 in many regards. So I guess that's it. The 360 is better, end of story.

Ha, gotcha there for a sec, heh? One little thing, the comparison was written by "Major Nelson", someone who works for PR in Microsoft's Xbox division. While I doubt he is all out lieing about the specs, there may be a tinny little bit of bias in there.

And uh, Revolution. Yeah. That's about all I know about Nintendo's new system. With the amazing ability to play old nintendo games... Yeah, Nintendo going retro, there's something new. And speaking of backward compatibility, the 360 will, I repeat WILL play Xbox games.

Well, aside from videogame stuff, I saw Star Wars. And wow. It is great. Fantastic, Greatasitic if you will. While it may not be a "The Empire Strikes Back", it is an amazing movie. And I will post more about it later (Don't worry no spoilers, until next week), but I am off to see it again. So in the meanwhile go see the movie, or I'll lay eggs in your stomach, I mean it!

Friday, May 13, 2005

The thrilling conclusion

Ok, well I said I would post again, but I really don't have much else to say about the 360 other than the fact that is a very ghey name. The main reason I like Xbox was because of its superior hardware, and unfortunately this system won't have that advantage. However the whole Xbox Live system seems to be really awesome. That is one of the things I loved about this system. It was so organized and had a clean feel to it. While I doubt the PS3 will make the same mistake it did with it's previous system, I still feel as if Microsoft really hit the proverbial nail on the head with Xbox Live.

But what do you care about Xbox 360, it won't be out for another 6 months. In the meanwhile why don't you learn something about the greatest guy who ever ripped off his own left nut and made a hole-in-one in Adolf Hitler's mouth from 400 yards away, Vin Diesel.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

The most fun you've had with a circle

Tonight at 9:30 I believe (Eastern Standard Time) MTV aired a special unveiling the Xbox 360 for the first time (unless you count all the leaked footage that came out before today). Xbox.com has changed in order to get ready for the new console which is still half a year away from launch. It looks like a very good system so far. Impressive hardware, a promising online setup, and kinda meh lineup of games all sound like they can lead to a pretty successful launch. A lot of sites have info about the 360, but I find TeamXbox's to be the most informative. I have more to post, but it is late and I must make like a 50 year old Mexican trans-sexual prostitute and go to bed. I will be sure to put more content up tomorrow.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Beg pardon?

Over the cource of a day of surfing the world wide interweb, I have some odd converations with Patrick. Well I thought who am I to deprive the world of such disturbing and mindless drivle? So from now on, Patrick and I will post random quotes from our conversations hopefully pretty often. We will still do regular stuff, but these will provide as shameless excuses for half-way decent posts. Enjoy.

cozmicfool516: well, ure doing a bad job
SpazMuffin803: Thats what your mom said
cozmicfool516: yea, iwas there

Saturday, May 07, 2005

**Exhausted moan**

Four words can describe my past 2 weeks. Good golly, Miss Molly. For any of you who know about A.P. exams, then you know they were created by Satan himself when he got bored one Tuesday night because it was raining and his satellite T.V. went out and he couldn't watch "Gilmore Girls". Especially A.P. European history. I have been studying for two weeks and I probably still did terrible. The sheer amount of protein that was dedicated to my brain rendered me sterile for the past two weeks. I thought my ovaries were going to implode, but now my sperm count is raising at an almost frighteningly fast rate. God, sometimes I wish paper towels were included.

But that is my excuse for not posting. Now this is going to be a pretty crappy post because I have no new material. Some new stuff for Halo 2 like new playlists have been released to hopefully increase Halo 2 online ratings. But I still love UC2, lately my online experience has been flawless. However I know it greatly depends on your xbox. For instance my newer xbox plays it pretty well, and Patrick's old launch box begs for death as soon as the game enters the tray. Also I really want to play Splinter Cell co-op online lately, but Patrick and I can no longer join each other's party. I think it has to do with my crappy router. Note to self, if you find a router on sale for $15, don't buy it. It may have to do with us living close to each other or some stuff like that. If anyone can help, email me or leave a comment.

Ok, well like I said, I have no material, I just didn't want you guys (all 2 of you) to think I died, or did I? Wait, no, I didn't. If possible I will try to post tomorrow (emphasis on "try"). Until then, remember America, kangaroos don't take kindly to anyone over the age of 47 eating cole slaw out of their marsupious pouches.

Sunday, May 01, 2005