Ok, I'm back, and contrary to popular belief I am not better than ever. With school practically over I have the whole summer to enjoy the warm weather, outdoors activities, partake in athletics, find a partner, and heck, maybe even work off some of extra weight gained throughout the school year.**Waits for laughter to stop**
What I will be doing is playing video games like the uber cool cat that I am. Like the Trix cereal rabbit(Patrick) I too have Conker-Live and Reloaded. What is so great about the game is that one would assume it is all cute with a smiley faced rodent on the cover. However you spend most of your time in mountains made of fecal matter and dismembering the undead or Nazi teddy bears. The single player is definitely dated, which is expectable considering the fact that it is a remake of a N64 game. That is not to say it is bad, but you can tell the game wasn't made to the full potential of newer games. It is part platformer which fares pretty well. The camera is a bitch at some points but overall is it good.
The other portion is third person shooting which is pretty fun. When fighting undead squirrels you don a shotgun. For fighting the German nationalist plush toys you use a machine gun. And while it is extremely short, there is a very fun Matrix part.
If that was all there was to the game, I wouldn't recommend it but that was just the single player. The multiplayer is a whole nother game. It is a class based game where you play in objective based levels. While some people might run into connection problems **Points at Patrick using the power of interweb** it is a great addition to an already good game. For anyone who has it Fatal Furry is a very good site with some good forums and a lot of info about the game.
And if you were to get bored of that game there are many other things that can keep one busy.
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