Thursday, August 11, 2005

Demo extraordinaire

Courtesy of digg I found the greatest video of all time. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you "The Ownage" . Now if only there were some bears in it. The only thing that owns more than this video (initiate transition mode) is the Battlefield 2: Modern Combat demo. Yeah, I know, smooth...

I have been playing this demo more than any other game. And keep in mind this is just a demo. The demo takes place in some crazy middle eastern country. For time being it will be called "Asscrackastan". In Asscrackastan you pick to play as the Americans (Hoo rah!) or the Middle Eastern Coalition (MEC). They have very different bases and they contain different vehicles. Both teams get some cars and the A-rabs get helicopters and the Americans get tanks. The goal of the game is to have the most points at the end of a match. You get points by killing enemies and taking flag/spawn points. When you have the majority of the 5 flags the opposing team will lose a point a second.

The game runs off a class system. They are all different and own in their own way and they are pretty balanced, though at time the Spec-Op class seems a tad overpowered. The game works extremely well except for server issues, but it is just a demo, not that I have much faith in EA's abilities. The only other problems are problems with the people I play with. Since it is just a demo and there is no real ranking, team killing isn't that bad but it certainly gets annoying. I hate driving a car that is beeping like Jay and Silent Bob on cable television, just to find out some asshat loaded it with C4. There is an option to vote to boot but no one uses it no matter how much you tell them to. The other problem is that people tend to join the team with more people. Instead of balance out the teams, they just make it worse. Honestly, how can one consider themselves a winner when the teams are 4 vs 16?

However these are reasons I can't wait for this game. This is just a demo and it has less problems then most full version games have. With months to fix server issues, implement a better team killing prevention system, and perhaps force even teams this is looking to be one of the most promising games in a good while. And I can't wait to start a Battlefield clan.

By the way, this was a totally different post earlier and I just edited it.

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