Thursday, August 04, 2005


Recently I made a little change to the blog. By looking to your right (It the side of the hand that doesn't make the L) you will see next to the link to Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal link it says, "(No longer updated)". That was because from June 4th, the site was, well no longer updated. Of cource like any decent SMBC fan should do I emailed Zach Weiner, the creator of SMBC about what was up. Well he got back to everyone who emailed today, and tells of how SMBC will be discontinued in favor of a weekly comic. And for all of you who did not email him and because of that not receive his email, here it is.

This is a message for everyone who's written over the
past two months about the deal with SMBC. I'll be
using these emails as the beginning of a list to give
people updates on the progress of the new project. If
you don't want to be on the list, just email me and
I'll take you off.

If you are interested in the deal on SMBC, please
continue reading.

Why no more SMBC?

Long story short, with my current job I frequently
work over 12 hours a day. A typical SMBC comic takes
at least a few hours (mostly spent on coming up with
jokes and rewriting). Over time, SMBC began to affect
my job performance. Although SMBC is what I love, my
job is how I live. Mentally juggling the two was
beginning to be difficult, so I elected to stop.

Why no information until now?

Not quite coincidentally, I stopped SMBC just as I was
having server issues AND moving to a new apartment.
I've only gotten regular Internet access very
recently. I probably should have posted something
sooner. For that I apologize.

If you didn't have time for SMBC, how do you have time
for a different strip?

Two reasons. First, I'll have a slower update
schedule. This new one will be weekly, though this
will perhaps become more frequent once I get a handle
on how long it takes to make a comic page, and get
better at doing so.

Second, I will be scripting the entire thing in
advance. This means that I will not have to stay up
coming up with jokes (believe me, there are few
experiences more creatively harrowing than trying to
write a funny joke at 2AM when you have work the next
day, knowing you will then have to draw and color it
before you sleep).

What is the new project?

I'm keeping it pretty secret for the moment. However,
it will be total comedy. No drama, no love, no hugs.
It's all about funny.

That said, it won't necessarily have the "SMBC style
of humor." Mainly, this is because I don't really know
what that means. It will have my sense of humor, so if
you like that, you should like this.

That said, it will not be single panel. It will be
comic book page style. So, naturally the humor has to
be a little different. Single panel format allows for
the humor to be extremely dry and stupid (styles of
humor which I love). Page format allows for more types
of humor, and I think I can still retain the SMBC edge
despite lacking the directness that single panel
comics afford.

Regarding the subject matter - for now, I'm keeping
mum. However, there is a preview available in the

That's all for now. I will be posting some exclusive
updates to this newslist in the near future, so stay
tuned, and please pass on the word about the list to
anyone whom you know to be an SMBC fan.


Edit: In related news, if you visit SMBC it has a much shorter version of this email basically telling you the same thing you just read, but in fun bite sized form.

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