Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The best Kwanzaa ever

Oh wait, did I say Kwanzaa, I meant the real one, uh, oh yeah Christmas. Mp3s, DVD, and good ol' video games is what it was all about. First of all, I got an iPod mini. It rocks, out loud, well maybe not out loud unless you turn the volume up really high but you know what I mean. It just looks so cool, and the click wheel deely works really well. If you need a Mp3 player and you don't have over 1000 songs buy one. Now. DVD-wise, the basics like Lord of the Rings, Spider-Man 2 and all that jazz. I love my [adult swim] DVDs. Sealab season 1 and Aqua teen season 2 are great. And on Febuary 1st The Brak Show season 1 comes out, w00t. As for games I just got 2, but they are great. KOTOR 2 and Viewtiful Joe 2 for Gamecube. If you liked KOTOR 1 you will like KOTOR 2. And words cannot describe Viewtiful Joe 2. www Wait, yes they can. It is so cool. The action is super fast and frantic. But when it gets too hectic, put it in slow-mo and and put on zoom and start kicking cinematic rear end. But it is far from easy, as my 7, wait 8 bleeding ulcers will prove. Over all it was a X-tastic X-mas. Oh yeah, and to spread the X-mas spirit (late but what are you going to do) RvB made their own Christmas special. And if you didn't hate Church before now, you will after watching this video.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

The joy of colors

In my daily romp around the world-wide interweb I came across this iPod mini commercial. It is not official but it is really cool. Considering my age, I was not around during the 60's, a time when colors had flavors and the walls were melting at all times but if I was, I would imagine life would be like this commercial. It is pretty trippy and is worth 60 seconds of your life. And if this leaves you starving for some more interweb goodness, why not boil a few a good taters?

Sunday, December 12, 2004

**Awkward Silence**

There is nothing to post about. Nothing, at all.
Oh yeah, a sort of new RvB is out.
By the way if any of my wonderful readers know a link or something I don't, post it in a comment.
And uh, yeah, that's about it.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Distractions Galore

While reading I came upon a post that said a windows version of Konfabulator was released. For those of you who are Mac users you probably know what it is, but for those who don't or for PC users, it is a program that allows you have "widgets" which are little animation thingys on you desktop. For instance I have 4 on right now, one that tells me how many seconds I have been alive, one telling me about my CPU's performance, one telling me the weather, and one of the character Gir from Invader Zim dancing. So as you can see they go from useful to just fun. Now these widgets are constantly pulling power from your CPU but I am surprised by how little it does. Even on my crap ass 1 Ghz, 128 Mb of Ram computer, my computer runs just as slow as it normally does with out them. I recommend just trying it out, odds are you will like it. New widgets are created all the time and if you have the time and the skill, you can even make your own. You can download the program HERE.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Katamari Noguchi

This weeks Bungie Weekly What's Update can be found HERE. It addresses some problems many xbox Live users have been getting, not to mention kick ass tribute to Katamari Damacy.

On a separate note, I have been doing much reading of the Halo 2 forums and there is a considerable problem on all of them. The noob who feels the need to make topic based off of the intelligent comment of, "tEh PIztol wUZ T eh PWns , bUngE iS MAdsz gAy". To anyone who has done this, make the world a better place and kill yourself, or go back to Halo 1. Hey, and if you are in the mood, why not both?

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Today's specials are eggs and strawberries.

P.S. Whatever all of Japan is smoking, it has to be some pretty hardcore stuff.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Cranial Fun

As most of you know, in Halo 2 there are skulls found in hidden areas of levels depending on what difficulty the level is on (So far only one can be found on a difficulty other than Legendary, joy). They all seem to have a special effect, however most of them seem to make the game harder, by removing your HUD or cloaking enemies. For a guide on how to find them go HERE. Be aware so far no one has said you get anything special for getting them all. So if you plan on spending the next 32 days trying to find all of them, and while doing it selling your family to Chinese slave traders so you can afford to stay home from work or for some extra spending cash, you might want to rethink it. I mean, 32 days is going a little overboard.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Shoes are good

Oh great, competition

Games and FG as seen by Jared

I only recently noticed that someone had been leaving comments on some of my posts. Being one of the 2 people I know who reads this blog I thought I would post a link to his blog. It's like mine, but with Family Guy stuff. Now I know all of my loyal readers wouldn't dare tear themselves away from this blog, but it's okay. I know my blog rocks but if you find some time to pull yourself away from this literary train wreck known as my blog, go read his, it is pretty good.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Going nowhere fast

Wow, I never would have guessed it is this hard to keep a blog running once the game it was based around it was released. However there isn't much to say about Halo 2. My friend and I already said that is rocks, you should buy it, you should love it, you should sacrifice 7-10 goats in its name. So I really don't know what to post about. I suggest now that the game is out that you go to Halo 2 forums. You will learn a lot about the game, and get some tips that can be quite helpful. If you have Live, you know how awesome that is. With the updating of the matchmade playlists, like the addition of an entirely team slayer playlist, this game appears as if it will never get old.

P.S. So far, I only know of one person who reads this blog that I don't know personally. And in his profile is one of the best sentences ever. You know who you are and this is for you.

"Halo 2 > Everything... Even orphans. No.. Especially orphans."

Oh yeah, and you see that "Get Firefox" button on the right side of this page. Click it, download it, love it, sacrifice 4-6 goats in its name.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Pointless but cute

Well, I don't know what to post about today but I saw this picture on a forum and I just thought it was so great.


Monday, November 15, 2004

Hopefully a beginning...

Well, I finally beat Halo 2, yesterday actually, but blogger was having some "technical issues" (A.K.A. webmaster gets into a drunken knife fight with an orangutan.) and that's why I didn't post. But back on track. At first I must say early in the game I was disappointed with the single player experience. Not as dramatic and awesome as I had hoped. But after beating the game I see that it was a wonderful piece of work that would have been better if only the developers had time. Overall it is the best game of all time (Yes, even better than Super Mario World on the SNES). I have heard a lot of complaining about the ending, especially from my crack addicted helper monkey (A.K.A. Patrick, how that monkey got a name on blogger still boggles me). Now yes, to a certain degree it left much to be desired, with it being a cliff hanger and all. I mean, the real fans waited for 3 years for the next chapter of the Halo series and we hardly get any closure. But that is not to say I did not love the ending. It answered some questions but not without creating a 1000 more. It kicked ass, was so cool, and not only guarantees a third installment of the game, but an even more kick ass installment. But I am getting ahead of myself, talking about Halo 3 when 2 just came out. Everyone reading this should go out and buy this game. The single player is spectacular, and the multiplayer (especially when playing on Live) is so insanely awesome. Even if you don't have an xbox (What are you waiting for?) go buy one for this game, heck buy another one if you do have one (not because of being a really big fan, however thompson drives have a tough time with this game). So it is November 15th and you are reading this? Get back to playing Halo 2 marine! That's an order!

P.S.- Happy 3rd birthday to Xbox, and happy 2nd birthday to Xbox Live. They grow up so fast **tear**

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


After having Halo 2 for a full day all I can say is wow! I will say, there is something about the single player mode I don't like, however I can't put my trigger finger on it. The fluidity seems off, it is fast yet slow. I know I sound like I am complaining (and crazy) but the single player is amazing. It is still my favorite game of all time. However my favorite part is the online multiplayer. It is intense, fun, and the energy sword roxor my socks off. I really do think it is worth purchasing LIVE for this game alone. The ranked game system is a little odd and you don't always get put into the type of game you want. But if you can get some friends together you can have some awesome custom games. In short, Halo 2 is pure concentrated awesomeness. Buy it, play it, enjoy it.

P.S. Check out my stats

Monday, November 08, 2004

Twas the night before

As my friend made quite evident the anticipation for Halo 2 has slipped a cyanide capsule in my drink and is killing me slowly. I am preparing for the longest 6 hours ever and then to experience the shortest 7 hours of my life. Time flys when you are playing a game you have waited 3 years for. And once I beat the game on normal (from recent reviews this can be accomplished inbetween 10-14 hours) look for me online under the GamerTag SpazMuffin, and for Patrick under the GamerTag Pooch 516. I might as well shut down this blog considering I know no one will read this (hey, let me finish, I know nobody reads this as it is) considering they will all have Halo 2. But inbetween your 36 hour gaming sessions feel free to check the blog, I will be posting about awesome experience in the game (but don't worry, I will never give out spoilers until a time when almost everyone should have beaten it) But don't expect a post tomorrow, or the next day. Until next time enjoy Bungie's work of art.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

What other people think

Today 4 big websites have released their reviews. Their verdicts? Some higher than others, however all very exceptional. It was no surprise the GameSpot had the most problems with the game, considering they always seem to bash Xbox games. You can find new screenshots in the reviews also. Overall from the reviews, Halo 2 won't disappoint, and if you have LIVE you might as well say goodbye to your life. But it is only 2 more days until we can play the game! W00t!

Team Xbox review

GameSpot review

IGN review

Gamespy review

P.S.- There are more but I am too lasy to post them. Visit for more.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Stats are back

Sorry I haven't posted in a while but there really hasn't been that much news about Halo 2 (proabaly because the game comes out in 4 days w00t!) But I did notice during my many romps across the world wide web that the Bungie site was updated yesterday, then un-updated. It now has the stats function up and running. What does this mean to you? It means you can see who at Bungie is playing Halo 2 and enjoying every minute of it while you are reading the most awesomest blog on the web. One complaint. Bungie, you have to fix those problems your site has with Firefox. I know Micro$oft wants all of us the use Internet Explorer, but that isn't going to happen. Anyway, the site seems pretty cool and it looks like the LIVE part of Halo 2 will be incorperated into the site really well.

Monday, November 01, 2004

A low note

Today at they released a listening station featuring most of the music from Halo 2. The only downside is most of the songs aren't that good (The Incubus ones are the most horrible songs ever...ever!) and most of the good ones are remix's of songs from the previous game. You can see if you like them, though odds are you won't.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Halloween... I guess...

Happy Halloween one and all. I know what you are thinking. So whats new with Halo 2? How are you so cool? Will I ever meet that special one and only? The answers: Nothing, I am a ninja, and if you are reading this "No". So. The most satanic holiday has come and gone. Good for nothin' punks have asked for candy and ravaged my village and I am sitting at home posting to my blog. 15 Halloweens down, and most likey 10-20 left. Joy.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Old Navy just made $24.95...

...because I have to buy a new pair of pants after watching this new version of the Halo 2 commercial.

Down sides- Low resolution
Up sides- Longer, better, and I mean come on, it is just so awesome.

Go watch it, enjoy it, change pants.
Old Navy's major source of income

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Two handed fun

About a week ago Bungie released a guide to swords. Well today they released a guide to dual wielding. A very interesting read indeed. In the article there are suggestions for dual wielding combinations. It also says what weapons can be dual wielded including one referred to as "Covenant Weapon (unrevealed)" Ooh, what can this be? Only time will tell, or unfortunately those damned swashbuckling jerks known as pirates.

Guide to dual wielding

Monday, October 25, 2004

Trailer, Now in English

Wow, that was the worst title ever. However that commercial which has had many different forms and has been in many (2 is many to me) different languages is finally in english. Also I found a screenshot of one point which seems to show an elite without it's armor and some sort of crazy ass brute. Enjoy.


Edit** Bigger and better version of the trailer, got rid of the old one.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Running on empty

Wow, this week has been pretty devoid of Halo 2 news, legal news that is. And since I don't support talking about the pirated version I won't be posting anything about it. But today I thought in order to give back to the community (which by the way has given me crap), the first person to email me with the subject line "Invite me!" will get a Gmail invite. Happy? You should be.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Oui oui, Halo deux

Today a new version of that single player commercial (I posted the shakey cam version earlier) was posted in its entirety and unfortunately in French. And a clip of the song from the E3 2K3 demo, called Earth City, was released.

French commercial **I would have directly linked but I was not allowed so this is a link the HBO article with a link in it.

Earth City

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Gettin' High

Many people on the forums have claimed that Halo 2 recieved a 9.7 from OXM and this has finally been confirmed. What lost it .3 points? The only con listed is "The End" What does this mean? Does the ending suck (which has been said by people who pirated halo 2 or the people who read the spoilers) or does it mean that it sucks that Halo is over? I guess we won't really know until we beat it. I can only hope that the ending isn't as bad as some people have said.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Sing and a miss

Recently Bungie has been releasing some samples of the music of Halo 2. I was a huge fan of the original's music and it gave the game a great ambiance. And even after hearing the songs by Breaking Benjamin and the Mjolnir Mix I had faith that all this "whippur snapper" music wouldn't ruin the game. Well today my opinion has changed and it shocked and disappointed me. Today a new sample of song called "Follow" by Incubus was released. Not only do I think it won't fit in with Halo 2, but over all it seems to be a pretty sub par song as it is. And that is saying alot considering I'm a pretty big Incubus fan. Then again this is just my opinion, but I don't care what any of you think, so tough.


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A quick Burnout tip

What what what!?!?! A post not about Halo 2? Yes it is true, Halo 2 is not the only game in the world I care about. Burnout 3 is an awesome game, it is beautiful, fast and furious (I hope I don't get sued for that) and just plain old fun. For those of you who race online and you want to come out of the gate boosting here is a quick tip. I would like to mention you can find this ANYWHERE, and I mean anywhere on the web, but I'll put it here for shites and giggles. Hold the gas from the beginning of the count. Tap the brakes anywhere in between 3 and 2. Then in between 1 and go, quickly let go of the gas and hit it again. Keep trying until you get the hang of it, but once you do it is great. Nothing is better than getting a lead of the race in the first 2 seconds of a race.

P.S.- Sorry for the lame excuse for a post.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Halo 2 Headset

Today I bought the Halo 2 headset from Plantronics and I have to tell you it is suh-weet. It feels much better than the standard one, especially for people who wear glasses. It doesn't go around the back of your head so you can lean back against a couch or something when you use it. Not to mention it just looks so cool. If you have a spare $50 go buy it, if you don't you can always mug an old lady.

P.S.- I am not responsible if you are arrested or hit with a handbag while trying to mug an old lady

Sunday, October 17, 2004

What the kids are listening to now a days

Today another snippet from a track from the Halo 2 CD was released. I can assume this new song will be in the game and as will the previously released "Blow me Away". To listen to both follow the yellow (or blue in this case) link road.

Blow me away

Mjolnir Mix clip
For the Mjolnir Mix ,skip the intro if you want then click the link on the giant Halo 2 picture.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

And now some late night humor

I found a thread on the xbox forums entitled "How did you break your Xbox Live headset?" Well when "DX NoFatChix" wrote, "i threw mine at my cat who was chewing on my e-net cable while playing UC back in the day... ive been thru 3.... jesus why arent things made to last anymore... hopefully the halo 2 headset wont break AT ALL... at least not without challenge" I almost crapped my self, correction, I did crap myself. Why do I think it is funny? It's either the fact that is 10:55 pm and I''m a little crazy or it is the most genius thing ever. Though it is probably the first choice.

The actual thread

P.S.- Expect a post tomorrow apologizing for this shameless act of late night delusion.

Illegal humor

Today I want to announce I have switched to the dark side, if you want some awesome Halo 2 leak info click the following link, it is so awesome.

The most awesomest Halo 2 leak site

P.S.- If you haven't figured it out by the title of my post, I am joking, the link won't ruin anything.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Think about the kitten

While searching the web I found one more reason you should not download Halo 2, and I mean come on, who doesn't love kittens? Follow the link to learn more.

Download Halo 2, and burn in hell

Also I wanted to add my favorite translation key, in alphbetical order.


The Rosetta Stone

I have found a very use full translation key for decoding the new Halo 2 site.

Translation key

Where's my decoder ring?

Toady the new website was launched. It is composed entirely of what I assume is the covenant language. You can find some pretty cool pictures if you search around it. It seems as if the language on it can be decoded. I have found some links that show what the symbols mean. Of course you can just search around the forums and sooner or later someone will post a full translation. But untill then, have fun translating a fictional language.

Translation key 1
Translation key 2

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Clean up on aisle 2

Today is a sad day for the honest and devoted fans of not only Halo 2 but the great team at Bungie who created it. Last night a French copy of Halo 2 was leaked out onto the internet. For any one with half a heart, or at least want to play on Live (If caught you will be suspended from Halo 2 play on LIVE, not to mention modded boxes can't play on LIVE), do not download it. The real version is only less than a month away. We have waited 3 years, why bother pirating a great game days before it comes out? For more information about the leak and how you can help Bungie go to the following link.

Leak info

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Why so fast?

For all of you who have seen the shakey cam video of the single player commercial of Halo 2, this is another version, same crap quality, and even worse sound, but it is in slow motion making it easier for you to catch every detail.

Slo-Mo Video
**Just click the link that this link takes you to. I tried directly linking, but it pops up an error message.

A loose thread

Because I am a huge dope instead of making a new post yesterday with the link I instead edited another post. I am talking about a thread I found on a forums that leads to another forum and so on. The thread has some nice big pictures of the halo 2 article from the latest EGM. I will post the link to another thread, and for the other link, check my post on the 11th at the bottom, I edited it and put it there.

Second thread with pictures

Confused? I'll make this easy. This link and the link in the 11th's post under "Edited" both contain scans from the latest EGM.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Two theories for the price of one

Not only is this my second post today, but it is the second time I will bless you with one of Eagle 117's theories. After reading this one and the time travel one they almost seem to contradict each other. However I like the time travel one more, though which ever one you want to believe is up to you, but you must read both in order to make a decision.

Second theory

Season 3 and a great theory

As any loyal fan of halo should know, the first episode of season 3 of Red vs Blue was released today. I know you can find this link anywhere else on the internet but what the hell, here it is again.

RvB Season 3 Premiere

Also among my searching the Bungie Halo 2 forums I have read some theories written by the user known as Eagle-117. This guys theories are amazing and for any die hard Halo fan I definetly recomend reading them. Today I will post the link to what I think is his best one, the theory about time travel in the Halo universe.

Time travel theory

Monday, October 11, 2004

Back so soon

Hey every buddy, I know these pictures aren't that hard to find but for anyone who hasn't found any of the beta pics and some magazine scans here are some links.

Multiplayer Beta 1
Multiplayer Beta 2
Multiplayer Beta 3

XBN Pictures
Clan Wars
'Shee jacking, hunters, and much more
Wraith Assault

Other magazine pictures
Big picture of drones
When hunters attack

Shakey Cam Video of Single Player Video
Windows Media

When and if I find more I will post it.

Edit** I have found a thread that has scans from the latest EGM, some are repeats of other links posted, but others are new. Everyone should definetly check this one out, or get the EGM.

Thread with pictures

The grand opening

Welcome to my blog. This is my first post ever and I hope it will be one of many. My blog will be composed of offline and online gaming news. Mostly it will be about Halo 2. Once the game is released this blog will be used to record and schedule events on Xbox LIVE . Until then it will be your basic run of the mill blog. Until my next post, I bid you farewell.