Friday, November 05, 2004

Stats are back

Sorry I haven't posted in a while but there really hasn't been that much news about Halo 2 (proabaly because the game comes out in 4 days w00t!) But I did notice during my many romps across the world wide web that the Bungie site was updated yesterday, then un-updated. It now has the stats function up and running. What does this mean to you? It means you can see who at Bungie is playing Halo 2 and enjoying every minute of it while you are reading the most awesomest blog on the web. One complaint. Bungie, you have to fix those problems your site has with Firefox. I know Micro$oft wants all of us the use Internet Explorer, but that isn't going to happen. Anyway, the site seems pretty cool and it looks like the LIVE part of Halo 2 will be incorperated into the site really well.

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