Wednesday, November 10, 2004


After having Halo 2 for a full day all I can say is wow! I will say, there is something about the single player mode I don't like, however I can't put my trigger finger on it. The fluidity seems off, it is fast yet slow. I know I sound like I am complaining (and crazy) but the single player is amazing. It is still my favorite game of all time. However my favorite part is the online multiplayer. It is intense, fun, and the energy sword roxor my socks off. I really do think it is worth purchasing LIVE for this game alone. The ranked game system is a little odd and you don't always get put into the type of game you want. But if you can get some friends together you can have some awesome custom games. In short, Halo 2 is pure concentrated awesomeness. Buy it, play it, enjoy it.

P.S. Check out my stats

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