Monday, November 15, 2004

Hopefully a beginning...

Well, I finally beat Halo 2, yesterday actually, but blogger was having some "technical issues" (A.K.A. webmaster gets into a drunken knife fight with an orangutan.) and that's why I didn't post. But back on track. At first I must say early in the game I was disappointed with the single player experience. Not as dramatic and awesome as I had hoped. But after beating the game I see that it was a wonderful piece of work that would have been better if only the developers had time. Overall it is the best game of all time (Yes, even better than Super Mario World on the SNES). I have heard a lot of complaining about the ending, especially from my crack addicted helper monkey (A.K.A. Patrick, how that monkey got a name on blogger still boggles me). Now yes, to a certain degree it left much to be desired, with it being a cliff hanger and all. I mean, the real fans waited for 3 years for the next chapter of the Halo series and we hardly get any closure. But that is not to say I did not love the ending. It answered some questions but not without creating a 1000 more. It kicked ass, was so cool, and not only guarantees a third installment of the game, but an even more kick ass installment. But I am getting ahead of myself, talking about Halo 3 when 2 just came out. Everyone reading this should go out and buy this game. The single player is spectacular, and the multiplayer (especially when playing on Live) is so insanely awesome. Even if you don't have an xbox (What are you waiting for?) go buy one for this game, heck buy another one if you do have one (not because of being a really big fan, however thompson drives have a tough time with this game). So it is November 15th and you are reading this? Get back to playing Halo 2 marine! That's an order!

P.S.- Happy 3rd birthday to Xbox, and happy 2nd birthday to Xbox Live. They grow up so fast **tear**

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