Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Cranial Fun

As most of you know, in Halo 2 there are skulls found in hidden areas of levels depending on what difficulty the level is on (So far only one can be found on a difficulty other than Legendary, joy). They all seem to have a special effect, however most of them seem to make the game harder, by removing your HUD or cloaking enemies. For a guide on how to find them go HERE. Be aware so far no one has said you get anything special for getting them all. So if you plan on spending the next 32 days trying to find all of them, and while doing it selling your family to Chinese slave traders so you can afford to stay home from work or for some extra spending cash, you might want to rethink it. I mean, 32 days is going a little overboard.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Shoes are good

Oh great, competition

Games and FG as seen by Jared

I only recently noticed that someone had been leaving comments on some of my posts. Being one of the 2 people I know who reads this blog I thought I would post a link to his blog. It's like mine, but with Family Guy stuff. Now I know all of my loyal readers wouldn't dare tear themselves away from this blog, but it's okay. I know my blog rocks but if you find some time to pull yourself away from this literary train wreck known as my blog, go read his, it is pretty good.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Going nowhere fast

Wow, I never would have guessed it is this hard to keep a blog running once the game it was based around it was released. However there isn't much to say about Halo 2. My friend and I already said that is rocks, you should buy it, you should love it, you should sacrifice 7-10 goats in its name. So I really don't know what to post about. I suggest now that the game is out that you go to Halo 2 forums. You will learn a lot about the game, and get some tips that can be quite helpful. If you have Live, you know how awesome that is. With the updating of the matchmade playlists, like the addition of an entirely team slayer playlist, this game appears as if it will never get old.

P.S. So far, I only know of one person who reads this blog that I don't know personally. And in his profile is one of the best sentences ever. You know who you are and this is for you.

"Halo 2 > Everything... Even orphans. No.. Especially orphans."

Oh yeah, and you see that "Get Firefox" button on the right side of this page. Click it, download it, love it, sacrifice 4-6 goats in its name.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Pointless but cute

Well, I don't know what to post about today but I saw this picture on a forum and I just thought it was so great.


Monday, November 15, 2004

Hopefully a beginning...

Well, I finally beat Halo 2, yesterday actually, but blogger was having some "technical issues" (A.K.A. webmaster gets into a drunken knife fight with an orangutan.) and that's why I didn't post. But back on track. At first I must say early in the game I was disappointed with the single player experience. Not as dramatic and awesome as I had hoped. But after beating the game I see that it was a wonderful piece of work that would have been better if only the developers had time. Overall it is the best game of all time (Yes, even better than Super Mario World on the SNES). I have heard a lot of complaining about the ending, especially from my crack addicted helper monkey (A.K.A. Patrick, how that monkey got a name on blogger still boggles me). Now yes, to a certain degree it left much to be desired, with it being a cliff hanger and all. I mean, the real fans waited for 3 years for the next chapter of the Halo series and we hardly get any closure. But that is not to say I did not love the ending. It answered some questions but not without creating a 1000 more. It kicked ass, was so cool, and not only guarantees a third installment of the game, but an even more kick ass installment. But I am getting ahead of myself, talking about Halo 3 when 2 just came out. Everyone reading this should go out and buy this game. The single player is spectacular, and the multiplayer (especially when playing on Live) is so insanely awesome. Even if you don't have an xbox (What are you waiting for?) go buy one for this game, heck buy another one if you do have one (not because of being a really big fan, however thompson drives have a tough time with this game). So it is November 15th and you are reading this? Get back to playing Halo 2 marine! That's an order!

P.S.- Happy 3rd birthday to Xbox, and happy 2nd birthday to Xbox Live. They grow up so fast **tear**

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


After having Halo 2 for a full day all I can say is wow! I will say, there is something about the single player mode I don't like, however I can't put my trigger finger on it. The fluidity seems off, it is fast yet slow. I know I sound like I am complaining (and crazy) but the single player is amazing. It is still my favorite game of all time. However my favorite part is the online multiplayer. It is intense, fun, and the energy sword roxor my socks off. I really do think it is worth purchasing LIVE for this game alone. The ranked game system is a little odd and you don't always get put into the type of game you want. But if you can get some friends together you can have some awesome custom games. In short, Halo 2 is pure concentrated awesomeness. Buy it, play it, enjoy it.

P.S. Check out my stats

Monday, November 08, 2004

Twas the night before

As my friend made quite evident the anticipation for Halo 2 has slipped a cyanide capsule in my drink and is killing me slowly. I am preparing for the longest 6 hours ever and then to experience the shortest 7 hours of my life. Time flys when you are playing a game you have waited 3 years for. And once I beat the game on normal (from recent reviews this can be accomplished inbetween 10-14 hours) look for me online under the GamerTag SpazMuffin, and for Patrick under the GamerTag Pooch 516. I might as well shut down this blog considering I know no one will read this (hey, let me finish, I know nobody reads this as it is) considering they will all have Halo 2. But inbetween your 36 hour gaming sessions feel free to check the blog, I will be posting about awesome experience in the game (but don't worry, I will never give out spoilers until a time when almost everyone should have beaten it) But don't expect a post tomorrow, or the next day. Until next time enjoy Bungie's work of art.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

What other people think

Today 4 big websites have released their reviews. Their verdicts? Some higher than others, however all very exceptional. It was no surprise the GameSpot had the most problems with the game, considering they always seem to bash Xbox games. You can find new screenshots in the reviews also. Overall from the reviews, Halo 2 won't disappoint, and if you have LIVE you might as well say goodbye to your life. But it is only 2 more days until we can play the game! W00t!

Team Xbox review

GameSpot review

IGN review

Gamespy review

P.S.- There are more but I am too lasy to post them. Visit halo.bungie.org for more.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Stats are back

Sorry I haven't posted in a while but there really hasn't been that much news about Halo 2 (proabaly because the game comes out in 4 days w00t!) But I did notice during my many romps across the world wide web that the Bungie site was updated yesterday, then un-updated. It now has the stats function up and running. What does this mean to you? It means you can see who at Bungie is playing Halo 2 and enjoying every minute of it while you are reading the most awesomest blog on the web. One complaint. Bungie, you have to fix those problems your site has with Firefox. I know Micro$oft wants all of us the use Internet Explorer, but that isn't going to happen. Anyway, the site seems pretty cool and it looks like the LIVE part of Halo 2 will be incorperated into the site really well.

Monday, November 01, 2004

A low note

Today at NileRodgers.com they released a listening station featuring most of the music from Halo 2. The only downside is most of the songs aren't that good (The Incubus ones are the most horrible songs ever...ever!) and most of the good ones are remix's of songs from the previous game. You can see if you like them, though odds are you won't.
