Thursday, December 29, 2005

Pimp's bitch X 3

I thought since I haven't posted in some time now and that Christmas has passed I would post about the cool stuff I got. Videogame wise I only got 3 games. While that may not seem like also they are all extremely good games.

For the GBA I got Gunstar Super Heroes. From an episode of X-Play I learned this is a sequel to an old Genesis game I think. The game is extremely impressive for the portable system. It has great graphics and some pretty advanced 3D models. It is very difficult on the Normal difficulty and I am not even going near Hard mode. I would recommend this game to anyone with a GBA. The game has an Easy mode so if Normal is too intense for you, you can still enjoy the game.

The other two games I got are for Xbox and are "Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones" and the port of "Half-Life 2". I can't say enough good things about both of these games. I have played but never owned or completed the previous Prince games. However they were both very well put together. This game is no different and fixed some of the problems I had with the previous games when I played them. It plays very smoothly and has a great balance of puzzles and combat. While if you haven't fully played the previous two, the plot will confuse you, but you should still get this game.

Half-Life 2 has been out on the PC for quite some time now. I have played parts of it and I always enjoyed it. The graphics, the controls, and the amazing physics made the game a master piece. On the Xbox the graphics have been turned down a little bit though they are still the most impressive graphics on the console. Also the multiplayer aspect has been removed. The Xbox version is strictly single player. So obviously if you have a PC that can handle Half-Life 2, you should play it on that platform. I did not have a gaming PC when the game was released and now I have a Mac (iMac G5, best machine I evar had) so I decided to get the Xbox version. The game is simply amazing. It is so varied and intense. An array of amazing weapons including the gravity gun which allows you to make the physics engine your bitch give you the power to go punk ass wild on anyone or thing that gets in your way. However I was disappointed to find a lack of special shampoo for the level where you fight an infestation of head-crabs. I could go further but I don't have to, buy this game, enjoy it, make sweet tenderous love to it.

So if you have a GBA and an Xbox buy all of these games. And this is not an option, if you do not buy these game we are going to have a problem.

Aside from video games I got some other stuff including a digital camera. The Canon Powershot A610 is a pretty good camera and for it's price (around $300) it is a pretty good deal.

Overall it was a pretty good Christmas, and feel free to comment about what cool gifts you got for Christmas too.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Bee Eff Too: Em See

I apologize for not posting for quite some time. I have been pretty busy school wise, and when I'm not doing school work I am doing nothing. Being idle is quite time consuming, believe it or not.

And when I'm not doing anything, I have been playing Battlefield 2: Modern Combat. I gave a brief review of the online demo a while ago and if you remember I loved it. The game play was quick, rewarding, and was my favorite game on Live. The game had some issues, mostly network related, but it was an EA demo, so I didn't expect much. Also some aspects seem unbalanced. Killing someone with a support player took skill, killing someone with a grenade launcher took an index finger. Well, the full version was released last week and I have been playing on and off and I must say it is pretty good.

The game was delayed a year for EA to add a single player game, and I guess it was worth the wait. The single player of the game follows a story about deception and propaganda. I didn't buy the game for the story and I have been skipping all the cut-scenes so I don't really know if the story is all that amazing. The play mechanics of the single player are pretty similar to the multiplayer. You fight with a squad of varying size. They do a pretty good job at killing and not getting killed. You can manage the whole army on your own though, by hot-swapping. If you have a clear line of site with an ally, you can take control of him while the computer will move into your vacated body. This is useful if you need or want to use a certain weapon kit (Assault, Sniper, Special Ops., Engineer, Support) or if you current body is close to dying. You can die but you are punished by losing major points for it.

From what I have played the missions seem to consist of kill all enemies and secure the area. I however am not very far in the game, but I have read of more interesting missions later in the game. Many times I find my allies dying and me just trying to stay alive as one lone soldier waiting for re-enforcements, but I am not very good at the game so it is probably my fault. I wouldn't buy the game just for the single player however, so for those of you without live, this may be a rental.

Now, I know I didn't buy this game for the single player and when it comes to the multiplayer the game is pretty strong. In terms of options this game is pretty limited. There are two basic game types, capture the flag where you capture the enemies flag and return it to your base with some variations. The other type is conquest, in which you capture points on a map and protect them while trying to keep the majority of the points. This game type also has some variations such as allowing the capture of all the points, which stops the other team from spawning, and essentially winning the game, or always allowing either team to spawn letting the game run much longer. I only play conquest because I see it as a more intense and rewarding game, however a good CTF on a small map can be pretty fun.

The game is run on EA's servers. Anyone who has played an EA game on Live knows they have quite a talent of royally screwing up an almost perfect system. Simple things like the friends list and sending voice messages are made needlessly complicated. Since the game is run entirely on their servers, one cannot create a private room and invite just their friends in. For me this is not a problem seeing as how I don't play with a large number of friends. The gametypes on the servers are pretty diverse so you can normally find a good game. What some would consider a feature, on most servers when a round is over you have a limited time to vote on the next map played. The problem is that people vote for the same two maps, ABridgeTooFar and Backstab. ABridgeTooFar is a great map, the first 50 times. And Backstab is the map from the demo and considering I have played that level a couple of hundred times it is getting a little old. There are plenty of other maps and most of them are pretty good, there are really only one or two maps I can say I don't care for.

When you don't feel like hoofing it on the maps there are always the option of vehicles. They range from basic cars, humvees, tanks, boats, and helicopters of all sorts. The vehicles in this game add a whole new dimension to the game and lead to the most fun events in the game. Whether you are in a boat chasing another boat, of a helicopter in pursuit of a car or tank, they add to the excitement and overall enjoyment of the game.

When the game was released the online portion had some issues with disconnecting players, or not letting them connect to games. Shortly afterwards a patch was released which remedied this problems. However it created unbearable lag. As of now I hear that the lag has disappeared or at least been reduced to the normal amount of lag. The stats were resetting for a while when the game was released, but I think this problem has been fixed as well. Gameplay wise the game is pretty strong. The classes are balanced, the previous problems with balance have been fixed for the full release. Assuming EA keeps tabs on this game and provides maintenence when needed, hopefully this game will last a while.

To anyone with Live and a mild interest in shooters, I recommend this game. Whether or not it will last long is up to EA and the players but as of right now, it is a fresh new game that I believe Live has been in need of for some time now.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

It's not the size that matters...

I finally got my grubby little hands on a Game Boy Micro. Today I bought a silver Micro and I must say, it is pretty darn cool. Now, I am not really a Game Boy person. I hardly have any games for the system, and I lost one of my two favorite games. So I have been playing Sonic Advance 2 on this bad boy (On a side note, buy SA2, it is so fricken awesome. Oh and the game I lost was WarioWare Inc MMG)

The first thing you will say when you lay eyes upon it is, "Wow, that thing is small, and I swear it keeps getting smaller."

And when you look at the Micro your reaction will be pretty similar. Being the smallest Game Boy yet, this thing is pretty tiny. They got rid of the "clam shell" design of the SP and it has a design reminiscent of the original Advance. Because of this, one major problem that the SP had has been solved. The size of the SP made it uncomfortable at times and it gave you a cramped feeling. The Micro feels more like a game controller, specifically a SNES one.

Also the Micro has a brighter screen than the SP (or at least the old one, a new brighter SP has just been released.) While the screen is smaller it appears to be much more clear and sharp. Another change is that the buttons have a springy and soft feeling, instead of the clicky feeling. The Micro also lacks backwards compatibility with previous version of Game Boy games (Original GB games, and GB color games) To me this is not a problem in the slightest, however to others it might be. If this is an issue, this is one area the SP has a definite advantage.

Overall, I'd recommend the Micro. If you don't have an SP it shouldn't even be a question. And even if you do I still recommend it.

Monday, September 26, 2005

You know, moms (Part II)

Ok, I apologize. I haven't posted in a quite some time and when I have the posts sucked. Well my posts always suck, but now it is like "Kirby earning money through indecent means" level of suck. Without going to in depth school has been equivalent to jamming a rusty crowbar up my urethra. But I will try to post more.

Luckfully I hope by the end of this week, or perhaps even later today I will have a Game Boy Micro. I will try to do a little write up on this and can hopefully post it by the end of the week. And in case you were wondering why this post is titled what it is, here is a video of a kid who needs to be beaten with a burlap sack full of nails. Or given some mother effin chocolate milk.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Lacuna or later

Keeping up with all the latest SMBC updates Zach Weiner has sent out an email saying

Fuck it, SMBC is back.

So I have removed the "No longer updated" tag so you all know to visit his site for his daily updates. I am very happy he is writing SMBC again and I hope it doesn't go on hiatus again.

On the note of site changes I hope you noticed under "Tech stuff" I have added a little code that links to my last 5 dugg stories.

And because I have no material to make this a humorous post I whipped up a little some with the help of Google Image search.


P.S.- I know that whole quote thing is over kill, but it just looks so nifty.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

You know, moms

cozmicfool516: not until youve finished your hot buttered ass m'boy

I believe this post speaks for itself.

*Post may not actually speak for itself

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Demo extraordinaire

Courtesy of digg I found the greatest video of all time. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you "The Ownage" . Now if only there were some bears in it. The only thing that owns more than this video (initiate transition mode) is the Battlefield 2: Modern Combat demo. Yeah, I know, smooth...

I have been playing this demo more than any other game. And keep in mind this is just a demo. The demo takes place in some crazy middle eastern country. For time being it will be called "Asscrackastan". In Asscrackastan you pick to play as the Americans (Hoo rah!) or the Middle Eastern Coalition (MEC). They have very different bases and they contain different vehicles. Both teams get some cars and the A-rabs get helicopters and the Americans get tanks. The goal of the game is to have the most points at the end of a match. You get points by killing enemies and taking flag/spawn points. When you have the majority of the 5 flags the opposing team will lose a point a second.

The game runs off a class system. They are all different and own in their own way and they are pretty balanced, though at time the Spec-Op class seems a tad overpowered. The game works extremely well except for server issues, but it is just a demo, not that I have much faith in EA's abilities. The only other problems are problems with the people I play with. Since it is just a demo and there is no real ranking, team killing isn't that bad but it certainly gets annoying. I hate driving a car that is beeping like Jay and Silent Bob on cable television, just to find out some asshat loaded it with C4. There is an option to vote to boot but no one uses it no matter how much you tell them to. The other problem is that people tend to join the team with more people. Instead of balance out the teams, they just make it worse. Honestly, how can one consider themselves a winner when the teams are 4 vs 16?

However these are reasons I can't wait for this game. This is just a demo and it has less problems then most full version games have. With months to fix server issues, implement a better team killing prevention system, and perhaps force even teams this is looking to be one of the most promising games in a good while. And I can't wait to start a Battlefield clan.

By the way, this was a totally different post earlier and I just edited it.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Captain Excelsior!

Once again Zach Weiner, the creator of SMBC has sent out an update on his project and here it is.

Here's the cover art for the new project. I'm about a
quarter through the script and hope to have pages
ready in a few weeks.


Sans subtlety


Thursday, August 04, 2005


Recently I made a little change to the blog. By looking to your right (It the side of the hand that doesn't make the L) you will see next to the link to Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal link it says, "(No longer updated)". That was because from June 4th, the site was, well no longer updated. Of cource like any decent SMBC fan should do I emailed Zach Weiner, the creator of SMBC about what was up. Well he got back to everyone who emailed today, and tells of how SMBC will be discontinued in favor of a weekly comic. And for all of you who did not email him and because of that not receive his email, here it is.

This is a message for everyone who's written over the
past two months about the deal with SMBC. I'll be
using these emails as the beginning of a list to give
people updates on the progress of the new project. If
you don't want to be on the list, just email me and
I'll take you off.

If you are interested in the deal on SMBC, please
continue reading.

Why no more SMBC?

Long story short, with my current job I frequently
work over 12 hours a day. A typical SMBC comic takes
at least a few hours (mostly spent on coming up with
jokes and rewriting). Over time, SMBC began to affect
my job performance. Although SMBC is what I love, my
job is how I live. Mentally juggling the two was
beginning to be difficult, so I elected to stop.

Why no information until now?

Not quite coincidentally, I stopped SMBC just as I was
having server issues AND moving to a new apartment.
I've only gotten regular Internet access very
recently. I probably should have posted something
sooner. For that I apologize.

If you didn't have time for SMBC, how do you have time
for a different strip?

Two reasons. First, I'll have a slower update
schedule. This new one will be weekly, though this
will perhaps become more frequent once I get a handle
on how long it takes to make a comic page, and get
better at doing so.

Second, I will be scripting the entire thing in
advance. This means that I will not have to stay up
coming up with jokes (believe me, there are few
experiences more creatively harrowing than trying to
write a funny joke at 2AM when you have work the next
day, knowing you will then have to draw and color it
before you sleep).

What is the new project?

I'm keeping it pretty secret for the moment. However,
it will be total comedy. No drama, no love, no hugs.
It's all about funny.

That said, it won't necessarily have the "SMBC style
of humor." Mainly, this is because I don't really know
what that means. It will have my sense of humor, so if
you like that, you should like this.

That said, it will not be single panel. It will be
comic book page style. So, naturally the humor has to
be a little different. Single panel format allows for
the humor to be extremely dry and stupid (styles of
humor which I love). Page format allows for more types
of humor, and I think I can still retain the SMBC edge
despite lacking the directness that single panel
comics afford.

Regarding the subject matter - for now, I'm keeping
mum. However, there is a preview available in the

That's all for now. I will be posting some exclusive
updates to this newslist in the near future, so stay
tuned, and please pass on the word about the list to
anyone whom you know to be an SMBC fan.


Edit: In related news, if you visit SMBC it has a much shorter version of this email basically telling you the same thing you just read, but in fun bite sized form.

Monday, July 25, 2005


I missed this last night, so I am posting it now. A long time ago I posted about a program called Konfabulator. I loved this program. It was fun, easy to use, and surprisingly cpu efficient. Even on extremely slow computers it works fine. Yahoo! just aquired Konfabulator and is re-releasing it as Yahoo! Widgets. The cool thing about this is is that it is free now. It won't nag you to pay for the full version after 30 days. So now there is nothing to stop you from using this great program. Go download it.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

In a command prompt far, far away

Through one of my romps through intraweb I found a pretty cool version of Star Wars. It is entirely in ASCII and goes pretty far into the first (Ep. IV) movie. In order to watch it assuming you are on Winblows, just click "Start", then "Run" and copy or type


into the prompt and click "Ok". Enjoy.

Also as any cool kid as myself should now, pressing "R" while holding the Windows key also opens a Run prompt.

On a seperate note, if anyone reads this blog and knows a bit about routers and more importantly how they affect Xbox Live please contact me at because just recently my router has begun acting up again. This really bites because the new Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory co-op maps should be coming out in the next couple of weeks, and more specifically the problem I am having prohibits me and Patrick from playing together. And those maps look pretty hardcore so I better be able to play them, or else...

Saturday, July 16, 2005

How do you think Patrick keeps his lovely grin?

cozmicfool516: hold on
cozmicfool516: i feel swweet corn tryin to make it thru my rear
cozmicfool516: brb

Friday, July 01, 2005

You askin or you tellin?

Cause no body tells Boxy Brown...

Bustin this joint

Once again, I will not be posting for some time. I am going on "vacation" for 2 weeks starting tomorrow. I will have a very limited amount of time on the computer through out these weeks. So odds are I won't post, and if I do imagine them not only to be craptacular, or crap frenzy, or even craptrocity, but crapamanjaro.

So until next time, well, we all knew it was going to happen sooner or later.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The scary scary hotness

Ok, I'm back, and contrary to popular belief I am not better than ever. With school practically over I have the whole summer to enjoy the warm weather, outdoors activities, partake in athletics, find a partner, and heck, maybe even work off some of extra weight gained throughout the school year.**Waits for laughter to stop**

What I will be doing is playing video games like the uber cool cat that I am. Like the Trix cereal rabbit(Patrick) I too have Conker-Live and Reloaded. What is so great about the game is that one would assume it is all cute with a smiley faced rodent on the cover. However you spend most of your time in mountains made of fecal matter and dismembering the undead or Nazi teddy bears. The single player is definitely dated, which is expectable considering the fact that it is a remake of a N64 game. That is not to say it is bad, but you can tell the game wasn't made to the full potential of newer games. It is part platformer which fares pretty well. The camera is a bitch at some points but overall is it good.

The other portion is third person shooting which is pretty fun. When fighting undead squirrels you don a shotgun. For fighting the German nationalist plush toys you use a machine gun. And while it is extremely short, there is a very fun Matrix part.

If that was all there was to the game, I wouldn't recommend it but that was just the single player. The multiplayer is a whole nother game. It is a class based game where you play in objective based levels. While some people might run into connection problems **Points at Patrick using the power of interweb** it is a great addition to an already good game. For anyone who has it Fatal Furry is a very good site with some good forums and a lot of info about the game.

And if you were to get bored of that game there are many other things that can keep one busy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Out for lunch

Ok, instead of being a dick and just not posting for a couple of days, I will first say I will not be posting for a couple of days. Then I will be a dick. Same action, different order. I am having finals. And that isn't the bad part. Without getting too indepth, I am going to be busy, you know, manual labor, using commas with reckless abandon, etcetera. So if any posting will happen it will be from the lord of the dance (A.K.A. Patrick).

But I don't want to leave you empty handed so I decided to share some art of mine with all of you. By using interweb and I was able to uh, express myself. As shown in these pictures...

I tried to focus on what I didn't draw

She was never seen again

What they didn't want you to see

If anyone wants to share some of their art with us, leave it in a comment. To get the link, after drawing your picture, hit "save and send". There you should see a link saying "If you'd rather not send this painting to your friends but would like a link anyway, click here" Click there, copy, paste, post.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

At least I have chicken


After a quick number crunch we have a 32.33% (the three repeating of cource) chance of hilarity.

And since one must give props where props are due, props for the video go out to Flex Master Weir.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Patent Pending

You know, sometimes very simple ideas can change the world. The guy who one day thought, hey why not make a toilet seat that heats up to prevent frost ass changed to world for the better. And sometimes Patrick has these moments of pure, um, genius, as shown in this conversation.

cozmicfool516: hey, why dont prinnters print stuff out back wards?
cozmicfool516: u know so it comes out with the first page on top
SpazMuffin803: i dont know
cozmicfool516: idiots
cozmicfool516: we cudd revolutionize the printer industry
cozmicfool516: then we could have it that wenever ure yellow ink cartridge is runnig low, you get herpes
SpazMuffin803: damn
cozmicfool516: ?
SpazMuffin803: my yellow is lo...**HERPES!**
cozmicfool516: billy, you dumb fuck, stop drawing the yellow ranger in ms paint. no! don't print that!
cozmicfool516: yellow lo HERPES

Sounds good to me.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

My little green friend

Image Hosted by

Image Hosted by

Image Hosted by

Post script, if anyone finds an animation of the last picture please tell me where I can find it.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Ownage x 2

Yesterday Patrick and I finished the co-op portion of Splinter Cell. I must say I am very impressed with it. While we were forced to save almost every minute do to the fact that the game gets dropped very often I still enjoyed it. However I am almost positive it is due to Patrick old Thompson xbox. But even with the occasional dropped sessions the game is extremely entertaining. You find yourself really having to work together to get anywhere. Or you can read an online walkthrough... Not to mention having a guard walking straight at you only to be capped by your teammate is so great. And two words, Tomo Nage. Throwing your teammate over your knee is just freakin awesome. However, I only seemed to be able to do it when you needed to, not just to knock out guards, which was disappointing.

But the co-op does have a problem, and a fatal one at that. My only complaint is Panama. That level is so friggen annoying. I hate it and every pixel of it's being with the blazing hatred of a thousand suns. Hey, howabout we make a level with 400 identical rooms, 200 of which are pointless? Sounds great...asshole. Honestly, it is boring, not fun, and a poor way to introduce the player to the game (not including the tutorial).

Rumors have stated that new co-op levels will be released via DLC, and I can only hope it isn't much longer till they are released. As to how they will fit in with the story, considering the current levels play parallel to Sam Fisher's escapades, I do not know. But frankly I do not care, just let me tomo nage and pull of inverted neck breaks and I will be happy.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

**Head Explodes**

If you go on any forum lately it is an all out war between 360 and Ps3 fans. Honestly, it is insane and sad. Now I love Xbox, but I really thought the PS3 would be "better" hardware wise.

However after "reading" this article, I am not so sure. For one, it is some seriously hardcore stuff. I mean I know the basic, CPU's, GPU's, RAM etc. But this gets really in depth. However, for those of us who have no friggen idea what the hell 48-way scalar floating-point shader pipelines are, there are bar graphs. Ah, the bar graph, easily displaying information with all the fun of a vertical or horizontal line. Ya gotta love it. But pretty much what it is saying is the the 360 is better than the PS3 in many regards. So I guess that's it. The 360 is better, end of story.

Ha, gotcha there for a sec, heh? One little thing, the comparison was written by "Major Nelson", someone who works for PR in Microsoft's Xbox division. While I doubt he is all out lieing about the specs, there may be a tinny little bit of bias in there.

And uh, Revolution. Yeah. That's about all I know about Nintendo's new system. With the amazing ability to play old nintendo games... Yeah, Nintendo going retro, there's something new. And speaking of backward compatibility, the 360 will, I repeat WILL play Xbox games.

Well, aside from videogame stuff, I saw Star Wars. And wow. It is great. Fantastic, Greatasitic if you will. While it may not be a "The Empire Strikes Back", it is an amazing movie. And I will post more about it later (Don't worry no spoilers, until next week), but I am off to see it again. So in the meanwhile go see the movie, or I'll lay eggs in your stomach, I mean it!

Friday, May 13, 2005

The thrilling conclusion

Ok, well I said I would post again, but I really don't have much else to say about the 360 other than the fact that is a very ghey name. The main reason I like Xbox was because of its superior hardware, and unfortunately this system won't have that advantage. However the whole Xbox Live system seems to be really awesome. That is one of the things I loved about this system. It was so organized and had a clean feel to it. While I doubt the PS3 will make the same mistake it did with it's previous system, I still feel as if Microsoft really hit the proverbial nail on the head with Xbox Live.

But what do you care about Xbox 360, it won't be out for another 6 months. In the meanwhile why don't you learn something about the greatest guy who ever ripped off his own left nut and made a hole-in-one in Adolf Hitler's mouth from 400 yards away, Vin Diesel.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

The most fun you've had with a circle

Tonight at 9:30 I believe (Eastern Standard Time) MTV aired a special unveiling the Xbox 360 for the first time (unless you count all the leaked footage that came out before today). has changed in order to get ready for the new console which is still half a year away from launch. It looks like a very good system so far. Impressive hardware, a promising online setup, and kinda meh lineup of games all sound like they can lead to a pretty successful launch. A lot of sites have info about the 360, but I find TeamXbox's to be the most informative. I have more to post, but it is late and I must make like a 50 year old Mexican trans-sexual prostitute and go to bed. I will be sure to put more content up tomorrow.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Beg pardon?

Over the cource of a day of surfing the world wide interweb, I have some odd converations with Patrick. Well I thought who am I to deprive the world of such disturbing and mindless drivle? So from now on, Patrick and I will post random quotes from our conversations hopefully pretty often. We will still do regular stuff, but these will provide as shameless excuses for half-way decent posts. Enjoy.

cozmicfool516: well, ure doing a bad job
SpazMuffin803: Thats what your mom said
cozmicfool516: yea, iwas there

Saturday, May 07, 2005

**Exhausted moan**

Four words can describe my past 2 weeks. Good golly, Miss Molly. For any of you who know about A.P. exams, then you know they were created by Satan himself when he got bored one Tuesday night because it was raining and his satellite T.V. went out and he couldn't watch "Gilmore Girls". Especially A.P. European history. I have been studying for two weeks and I probably still did terrible. The sheer amount of protein that was dedicated to my brain rendered me sterile for the past two weeks. I thought my ovaries were going to implode, but now my sperm count is raising at an almost frighteningly fast rate. God, sometimes I wish paper towels were included.

But that is my excuse for not posting. Now this is going to be a pretty crappy post because I have no new material. Some new stuff for Halo 2 like new playlists have been released to hopefully increase Halo 2 online ratings. But I still love UC2, lately my online experience has been flawless. However I know it greatly depends on your xbox. For instance my newer xbox plays it pretty well, and Patrick's old launch box begs for death as soon as the game enters the tray. Also I really want to play Splinter Cell co-op online lately, but Patrick and I can no longer join each other's party. I think it has to do with my crappy router. Note to self, if you find a router on sale for $15, don't buy it. It may have to do with us living close to each other or some stuff like that. If anyone can help, email me or leave a comment.

Ok, well like I said, I have no material, I just didn't want you guys (all 2 of you) to think I died, or did I? Wait, no, I didn't. If possible I will try to post tomorrow (emphasis on "try"). Until then, remember America, kangaroos don't take kindly to anyone over the age of 47 eating cole slaw out of their marsupious pouches.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Proving Pat right since 2005

Hey, would you look at that, I am making a post about how great Unreal Championship 2 is. Well, what can I say. The core gameplay hasn't changed since the demo, and the demo was rock solid. The additional weapons are great, considering my two favorite weapons weren't in the demo, the shotgun-esque flak cannon, and the ever popular shock rifle. I seem to be flying through the single player which isn't that bad (especially because I changed it to novice for one level, then forgot it was on and beat one more level with it). The story is engrossing and since the game moves at a lightning fast pace (and from the looks of it will be over at one too) the story keeps moving enough to keep you interested. And I haven't given up hope on Apophis just yet...

Anyway, that's not what Unreal is about. I tried playing online for a little bit. It is pretty good except for one match that was lag-tastic. But the host didn't know his upload speed so he was probably just hosting, not being aware that his connection fornicated with several donkeys. One thing I knew before the game came out was the games ommision of Live 3.0 features (voice messages, clans, etc) While it still works, I just liked having all those features even if I didn't use them. Hopefully lag will decrease and I didn't play on any dedicated servers yet. And maybe if Jared (Darkness) wanted to use his super Jesus black magic internet and host some games...

Oh yeah, I also played Halo 2 after the update was released. I noticed that melee was stronger and dual wielding was weaker. Not so much about nades. However the game still felt lame. You have to whore, camp, rinse, lather, repeat in order to get anywhere. Not to mention having teammates with the mental capacity of a sasquach fetus with down syndrome sure as hell doesn't help the situation. As for a link, you can find some videos of the yet to be released downloadable maps here.

Friday, April 15, 2005

What was old is new again

Splinter Cell rules. Unreal will rule. I thought nothing would bring me back to Halo 2 but boy was I wrong. In their Weekly What's Update Bungie tells of how they are pulling an "out with new, in with the old". They are changing Halo 2, and for the better, by making it more like Halo 1.

Some changes include decreasing the grenades fuses and making grenades stronger (which also affects the brute shot). Melee will be much more powerful, and moves such as a jumping melee will almost always be lethal. Certain dual wielded weapons are weakened, such as the SMG, plasma rifle, and magnum.

In short, they seem to be listening to the huddled masses of Halo 1 fanboys. I can't wait for the changes, and luckfully I won't have to wait long. Why you ask, because the auto-update will be released through out the course of this upcoming Monday(The same day UC2 comes out, decisions decisions). Excited? Yeah, I am too.

P.S.- How many gay men does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Five, one to screw it in, and four others to say, "Fabulous!"

Thursday, April 14, 2005


"these guys are messing with you Sisko

what you do is tie a noose in a six-foot length of rope, tie it to a wooden slat on a ceiling, climb up onto a chair, place the noose around your neck and jump off of the chair, essentially strangulating yourself, unless the drop breaks your neck

simple enough"

The post can be seen here.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Two for the show...

Can't talk much again. Just posting a LINK to an awesome Unreal Championship 2 movie. You might call it a spoiler but it is just part of an early cut-scene, don't worry. Also, the guy who is speaking throughout the whole thing is foreign. I don't know what he is saying, but I don't really care.

P.S.- Can your cleaner do this?

Saturday, April 09, 2005

One for the money...

I am just posting this link now so I won't forget. I know it is sort of old, but tough. I'll comment on it later. All I will say is ElonGAYtion looks like it could be good, that is if it wasn't having sex with 5 men at once.

P.S.- Pat, quit being such jerk face and post already!

Friday, April 01, 2005

SC:CT = Teh roxors

I can't begin to describe the hotness that is Splinter Cell. I haven't finished the single player yet but I will say as of now (UC2 is coming) this is my most favoritist game ever. The story is cool, the graphics are great, and everything else about it plain old rocks. I don't want to get too in depth for fear of giving away a spoiler of something.

Co-op is great. Patrick and I have played it a couple of time and at first were met with some "problems" such as being dropped from our session every couple of minutes. But when we did get into it, it was great. Except for how I set off 4 alarms... Aside from that the co-op moves are great. I love seeing a guy walking towards me only the get bitch-owned by Patrick from the rear. And having 2 highly trained spies exchanging orders such as, "Pat, drop that black man like he's hot" is just, as I said before, teh roxors.

But, I do have a problem with this game. It is more my fault than it's but I cannot play the Spies Vs Mercenaries part of the game. I just can't. Since I haven't played Pandora Tomorrow's version of this I am way behind compared to veterans of that part of the game. Also, I just don't like it. Being a spy sucks. There are cameras and motion detectors everywhere. I can't take two steps with out setting off some alarm. Being a mercenary is not as bad though. I enjoy having a shotty and waiting for the spies to come to me. But the levels are so big and intricate and you only have one other team mate to help you. I know many other people love this game, but I just don't.

Aside from me sucking at the SvM mode, this game is great and is an early contender for game of the year. And let me say, an inverted neck snap is the most satisfying thing you can do in any game. As shown in this picture...

Monday, March 28, 2005

Invite'em if ya got 'em

For those of you as interested in UC2 as I am you can find a couple of movies showcasing some real gameplay HERE. I don't know where it came from but it certainly looks great.

Also I was very disappointed to find out that no stores near me are selling Splinter Cell 3 today. If you spend 2 seconds on any SC:CT forum you can see that it has been released in certain areas already. I am nervous about this game because aside from not owning any of the other Splinter Cell games, I feel as if I am going to be a major n00b when it comes to the Spies Vs Mercenaries mode. I have watched Patrick play it and it seemed so nerve wracking. It is dark, and quiet, and you pretty much have to memorize every aspect of the map you play on in order to get anywhere in it. But I hope it won't be that bad, because I certainly wouldn't want be "analized" every time I attempt to play.

And know I have offered this before, and I know it is hardly "exclusive" anymore and almost everyone has one, but if anyone is interested in a g-mail invite leave a comment on this post with your email or drop me a line at

Saturday, March 26, 2005

DLC - Whoop-de-do

I know this information is late but I just haven't had time to post it. As many of you know Bungie has released official information concerning Halo 2 download content. Their article can be read HERE.

However to make things short, there are going to be 9 new maps.

2 free maps and 2 premium (cost money) maps are going to be released in late April. The two premium maps will cost $6 (for both).

Then on June 28 the 5 remaining maps will be released. This package will cost $12.

At that same time a disk which can be bought for those without Live will be released. The disk will cost $20 and contain all the maps, an auto-update that will fix common glitches and cheats, and some extra stuff (documentaries and crap).

And by the end of summer all of this content will be available for free on Live, guaranteeing everyone can play in all the updated matchmaking playlists.

Now, for someone like me, I have taken a long break from Halo 2. With games like SC:CT and UC2 on the horizon I doubt I will get that back into Halo 2. I will buy all the content online and I will probably buy the disk for the extra stuff and just to have it. But, I must say these maps (at least from the few released screenshots) look very impressive. Especially "Turf" a barren city map. However I think Bungie is taking to long to release this. I know they want to get rid of all the glitches and make sure these levels don't turn out like every other level in the game. But by waiting for the release of such great games mentioned previously I think they might lose a lot of people. Not that it matters because there will still be millions that play.

But I will say, I am WAY more excited about Unreal than this new content.

Monday, March 21, 2005

The new hotness...s

Ok, to start off with, Halo 2 is fine and all, but it got old, quick. And even though download content is on the horizon, I doubt it will make matters that much better. But fear not, because in the next month two of the greatest looking games of all time come out. And luckfully there are demos of both of them in the March edition of Official Xbox Magazine.

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. This game looks amazing. The graphics are insanely awesome, and really shouldn't be able to be generated on the Xbox. It looks like a fully loaded Alienware PC would struggle with it. And it has gameplay to back up all the good looks. With the new co-op mode and the returning Spies vs. Mercenaries mode, this game looks like it will keep anyone busy online or off. Not to mention hanging from a pole above an enemy and snapping their neck while belting out an "Oh snap!" is so satisfying... and sad.

While SC:CT boarders on real life level of realism, Unreal Championship 2 is an overly violent and fantasy based shooter. Now I really shouldn't have to explain much more because if you are reading my blog odds are you found the link on a forum. And if you have the spare time to read a gaming forum you should definitely know what the Unreal francaise is about. However UC2 is unlike any other Unreal game, so I guess I did have to explain it. Imagine Halo, on crack, and no vehicles. I know that sounds like a bum that lives in the downtown district of **Enter name of where you live here**. However it has the option of a 3rd person mode and the ability to use melee combat. And I'm not talking shotgun butt to the face melee, I mean Cryostaffs and Energy swords choppin' the competition into little delicious bite size pieces.

With SC:CT being released March 31st (can vary on where you live), UC2 on April 18(if it isn't delayed anymore), and Halo 2 download content...eventually, anyone with an Xbox and a Live subscription should be kept more than busy for the next couple of months.

P.S.- I just saw that sour Skittle's commercial with the sour man. I love that man, I love him good.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Short and...

simple. Two words describing Patrick. If he doesn't post soon I'm going to go jack-o-lantern on his ass.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Fashionably late

Ugh, I am such a bitch. I know I promised a post on either last Saturday or last Sunday, and I didn't. Oh golly, I know I'm going to be walking down the street and some random naked 40 year old man who reads my blog is going to get all mad and own me. Oh well, now that both me and Patrick are back expect me to snap out of my non-posting ways. And before I forget, expect very soon a tribute to one of the most famous pixel blasting spaceships. Props go to Pat for the following game which is about this countries national pass time, hitting Japanese people with bicycles.

Ok, it wasn't that great of a post but it was better than nothing so hopefully my tribute will be tribute-tastic and Patrick will post. Until next time I leave you with a very unhappy cat.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Passing glance

Wow, this week has been crazy. Non-stop homework, tests, and essays. I don't think I have ever gone this long without updating and unfortunately this is going to be steaming shat of a post. But on the bright side I will probably be able to put together a half way decent post sometime over the weekend. And don't expect anything from me or Pat all of next week. So until either Saturday or Sunday I leave you the wisdom of white ninja.

P.S. I am getting rid of those Halo 2 stat trackers for now only because they are spreading the template and messing the site up. Until I can fix this, if you must know our stats for me check out my gamertag SpazMuffin and for Patrick check out Pooch 516.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Why didn't I think of this?

Over the past couple of years great strides have been made in the field of automotive technology. Televisions built into the car, seat warmers, GPS. However it just takes a simple invention to revolutionize the car as we know it. And its name is the Trunk Monkey. It can handle various activtivites, most importantly flinging feces. Love the trunk monkey, embrace the trunk monkey, have the trunk monkey's childeren.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Was it worth it?

Cat: I should have killed you when I had the chance...

Picture from

Sunday, January 23, 2005

The ugliest thing ever...I can't

Image Hosted by
Posted by John
Created by the warped fragile mind of Patrick

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Grin and bear it

Some people find very specific things funny. For instance some prefer the dry humor of the British. Others prefer slapstick, poop jokes, or dark humor. I find anything involving bears and great heights amusing, and I don't know why. Somehow these wacky bears got into some of the funniest situations I have ever seen that could only be funnier if the bear was replaced with an elderly woman. Whether or not their adventures involve trampolines or electrical cables they always manage to inflame my kidneys with laughter. Oh crap, there goes the right one...

Monday, January 10, 2005

Forget everything you thought you knew about this blog

Wow, it has been like a kerjilion days since I posted. Ok, well I'm back, for now. Lets see what's new. Oh yeah, episode 46 of RvB came out, and it is a pretty good episode. And over the past couple of weeks all the cutscenes from Halo 2 have been posted on HBO and now they are all there. You should check them out. Patrick, the other resident blogger, found a game full of pretty fun games, our favorite being Chuck. After playing Chuck, you should start your path to enlightenment and find out what the Helix is. Ok, lets see is there anything else cool and/or important going on. Oh yeah, on a serious note everyone should donate as much as they can to help the families affected by the recent tsunami. More info can be found here. Also, iTunes users can donate stright from their account in the Music Store. On a very, very different note, if you love black men and snow you will love, this thing. Man, look at that update, it has more links than Jimmy Deans' house of sausage. Ok, well I'm spent, done, je m'appelle completed, donde esta finished. Hopefully that lazy punk Pat will post, because I think my left kidney just gave out.